Crabapple jelly
We made crabapple jelly tonight out of our crabapples picked from the tree in the backyard. They are such a rich red colour. Inedibly sour when eaten raw off the tree, crabapples must be cooked. They are an excellent source of pectin so make excellent jelly. To make crabapple jelly: wash crabapples and keep whole cover with cold water and bring to boil. simmer until fruit is pulpy, 30 mins or so. take juice and pulp and strain through muslin. reserve any juice you collect right away and strain the rest of the pulp overnight. wash canning jars and lids in hot soapy water and sterilize in dishwasher or oven. measure the juice in mL and weigh out the same amount of sugar in grams. i.e. 500ml crab apple juice then 500g sugar boil until set to a jelly, around 105 degrees celcius. get jars ready with funnel and ladle. fill to top so no air is between lid and jelly. screw on lids and your all set enjoy!